
Open Test Plat/Com *RRO*

Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Auto B-Boy v.6088 (New)

Features & Hotkey :
- Time Hack For Auto BBOY (Di Loby) : F3
- Auto BBOY ON : F4
- Auto BBOY OFF : F5
- (Room B-Boy 8 Bikin Sendiri)
- License Bypass : F6
- Kiss Hack : F7
- Reset BP (AuIndo) : F8
- Unlock Half Hidden Item Mall : F9  (For Union Reset and Beat UP Reset + Reset E2)
- Hidden Song : F10
- Private Features : F11- Private Features : F12
- GiftBox Hack Lobby Ayodance ON : PAUSE BREAK (Open Giftbox, press PAUSE Break , move your cursor to OPEN) *new*
Note : Please Use Bypass HS Unknown 8. Cari sendiri Bypassnya saya tidak menyediakan :)
- GiftBox Hack Room ON : RIGHT ALT + 1 (Note Only Admin and Staff can use this) *new*
- GiftBox Hack Off Ayodance and SEA : RIGHT ALT + 2 *new*
- GiftBox Hack Lobby Audition SEA : RIGHT ALT + 3 *new*
- Auto Guitar : RIGHT ALT + 9 *new* (Only Few PC can use this)
- Bypass 2nd Pin : Auto ON
- Auto Focus Center Camera : Auto ON (Don't Need Press F2 to make Your camera Focus)

Buka Text Register!

Password : RGC
Download Here !


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